I Grew Up with Naruto

Do you know NARUTO? 

How did you know him?

When did you know him?

yeah...half of my teenage life i grew up with him, unconsciously...what do i do..he is a phenomenon..i collected the manga, i watched most of the anime series and also the movie..when i was in junior high school, Naruto is the most wanted anime to watch by most of the children and teenagers...

The bad influence about Naruto in Indonesia that effect the innocent children is these kids tryna to copied what they saw on the tv...you can see it in the anime, Naruto is very rich of martial arts and fighting scenes, so there are so many died cases for what those kids did to their friends. So after so many bad cases about this Anime in my lovely country (T_T) Indonesia, Naruto stop airing for a long time. I dunno the cause, maybe its because those incidents or the contract runs out.

Akibat efek Naruto di massa SMP, saat tugas materi tugas gambar Kesenian selalu karakter dari Naruto yang gw buat, bukan cuma Narutonya aja ya, karakter-karakter lain di Naruto suka gw gambar, contohnya Haku (muncul di episode awal), Gaara, Sasuke, Orochimaru....well, yang gw gambar karakter-karakter "loner" and misterius ya..apakah jati diri gw "segelap" itu..

inilah korban karakter naruto yang gw gambar saat gw bosan di kelas, ini gw gambar saat kelas 3 SMP...sekarang saya baru pensiun S1.. (T_T)...sorry, masih amatiran..
gambar ini emang fenomenal dalam hidup gw..fotonya selalu ada di file komputer, tapi w penasaran mana kertas gambar aslinya..sayang tuh kalo hilang..buat bukti ke generasi dan masa depan gw kalo gw waktu masi bocah adalah pencinta Naruto dan Anime..yaahh hidup gw penuh warna, setidaknya gw pikir masa-masa bocah dan remaja gw cukup seru dan bahagia.

for this moment i only read the online manga..sorry i didn't mean that i do not appreciate the people who worked for this manga, i really wanna buy the manga, but the chapter is very fall behind, and the manga have very little pages and the price is quite expensive


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